Enrollment for Summer Camp starts NOW! Please Click Here for Our Camp Schedule. Register Anytime in Person!

If unsure of class level, call (408)320.4868 to schedule an in-water evaluation with us.

Friday (7:45-8:15PM), Saturday (1-1:30PM) or Sunday (1-1:30PM)

** To better serve our students, click here to give us your valuable feedback.**

We provide year round programming and a camp program during our summer months in our new indoor teaching and training facility. We have two indoor pools located at the borders of Saratoga, Fremont, and San Jose. Our facility is one of the largest indoor swimming pools in the Bay Area. We provide a swimming community, high level teaching and training programs, climate-free year-round availability to best serve our community.

Our Levels
Levels Length Ratio Age Goals
Red 30 mins 1:4 3-5
  • Comfortable in the pool with the teachers
  • Monkey walk
  • Submersion with assistance
  • Float on the back with assistance
  • Swim a short distance (5 yards) with digging and kicking unassisted
  • Climb out of the pool, jump into the pool and swim back to the wall with assistance
  • Orange 30 mins 1:4 4-6
  • Float on back for 10 seconds unassisted
  • Swim a short distance (10 yards) with digging and kicking with upward breathing unassisted
  • Climb out of pool, jump into pool and swim back to wall unassisted
  • White 45 mins 1:5 4-6
  • Rolly Polly alternately swimming dog paddle for 5 seconds on front and back
  • Kick on your back the entire width of the pool using sculling hands
  • Flutter kick on stomach and back in streamline
  • Flutter kick on side
  • Yellow 45 mins 1:5 5-7
  • Kicking: Flutter kick on the stomach and the back in streamline
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Introduce freestyle with bilateral side breathing
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Introduce backstroke
  • Treading Water and Diving: Tread water in deep water with assistance
  • Treading Water and Diving: Dive in deep water with assistance
  • Navy 45 mins 1:5 5-8
  • Kicking: Flutter kick on the side
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Introduce flutter kick on the side
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Introduce side breathing with proper body position
  • Green 45 mins 1:5 6-8
  • Kicking: Introduce Dolphin kick on kickboard
  • Kicking: Introduce Breaststroke kick on kickboard
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Proper freestyle with bilateral side breathing
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Proper backstroke
  • Treading Water and Diving: Tread water in deep water for 30 seconds unassisted
  • Treading Water and Diving: Proper dive in deep water unassisted
  • Treading Water and Diving: Proper surface dive from treading water
  • Flip Turns: Introduce somersaults and tucks assisted and unassisted
  • Aqua 45 mins 1:5 6-8
  • Kicking: Breaststroke kick and drills
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Proper freestyle with bilateral side breathing
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Proper backstroke
  • Butterfly: Introduce butterfly
  • Flip Turns: Proper flip turns pushing off wall
  • Blue 45 mins 1:6 6-10
  • Freestyle and Backstroke: Continue to refine freestyle and backstroke
  • Butterfly: Proper butterfly
  • Breaststroke: Refine breaststroke kick and introduce arms for breaststroke
  • Turns: Continue to refine flip turns
  • Purple 45 mins 1:6 6-10
  • Freestyle, Backstroke and Butterfly: Continue to refine freestyle, backstroke and butterfly
  • Breaststroke: Proper breaststroke
  • Turns: Proper flip turns
  • Our Classes
    Click here to see REGULAR SESSION class schedule.
    Book your indoor swimming lessons now!

    Demands are high, hot time slots are limited, to secure your schedule, book your class now!

  • Please call (408)320-4868 to find more information and availability.